Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thoughts on Parenting

This is in response to Jess' question in her "One day at a time" blog...

Being a parent is such a wonderful thing but it sure is scary at times. I haven't been a parent very long but one of my biggest fears is that I won't teach Cayden enough. The other night he was upset and I was singing "Love is Spoken Here" to him. As I was singing I started crying because I want him to be able to hear that song and think "my home really is just like that." Along with what we teach him I want him to know that, most importantly, he is loved. I am most grateful to have such a wonderful husband who honors his priesthood so that we can have it in our home. I never want Cayden to feel he needs to question the things that we teach him.

I'm thankful that I have parents who taught me all they knew so that I can go on and share that knowledge with my kids. What a blessing it is to be able to take someone so small and start teaching him, now, the things that I know. I don't know how much he understands but I don't want to miss any opportunities to teach and talk to him.

I feel so blessed to be able to be a mom. (especially the mom of such a cutie)


Anonymous said...

Cayden changes so fast and its only been a week since I've seen him! Don't forget about the 6 things challenge...

Jess said...

Amen! Thanks Katie so much for sharing that. That little "cutie" sure is a lucky duck to have you and Jared as his mom and dad.

Sometimes I feel as though we live in a bubble and everything is perfect. I hope that bubble never pops.

Luvs to all of you!
p.s. your new blog is so fun and I LOVED the little announcement we rec'd today. Oh he is so beautiful.